I don't mind people saying whats wrong with it as long as the same time they can tell me how I could improve it or what I've done wrong instead of stating that their phone would've taken a better picture (tah for the info mate).
And as gay as the next sentence will sound... It's not what you said, it's the way you said it! Can't we all just be nice to each other, and I don't mean by that lying and not telling the truth, but there are different ways it can be told. Instead of just saying that you suck, you could instead mention that it ain't good and give some hints on how to make it better(Yes I used repetition in order to establish my point, I'm just that clever).
Mhh, it just seems a bit over the top, not very distinctive. Never remember fender deluxe amp sounding like that lol. Just pick some nice amp, a bit of overdrive should do the job, after all as far as I understood you're using amp simulations rather than the real thing as something clearner would be nicer ... i think
Well i bought it some years ago. On most of the pics iso was at 80(one at 200 i think) and longish exposure (5 -15 secs or so)
And by the way, I did use a tripod, but it was reasonably windy(around 20 mph probably) as i took them off a hill next to the sea... so it wasn't perfectly still...
Teehee, well that's what I sort of meant, the leather belts and stuff or just a slap ;P Didn't mean beating the kids to death.. although I bet that'd work too!
Often the 'bad kids' are like that because of lack of expectations rather than them just being naturally bad. If parents do no enforce any rules or expect them to do well in school, don't teach em discipline - you cannot really expect them to be any better than their parents?
The question then should be ... how do we prevent such parents from raising children in the first place ^_^
Mhh... I agree with that, personally i'd like it if teachers gave beatin for being bad in school (did I just make it sound filfthy?) It's fine as long as you behave and the bad kids wouldn't be causing so much trouble as they do nowadays since teachers have no power whatsoever.
And a lot of them seem to be disrespectful towards parents, although the problem could be traced to their parents.
We should all stand in a circle and hold each other's hands
It would be a lot nicer if people came here for a pleasant chat, a place where the less experienced people (and I mean general experience in life, not LFS) could ask whatever is on their mind and don't be rudiculed if their question is a bit stupid or might seem too "obvious" to someone smart.
As The Very End said there's no excuse whatsoever so cause flamewars... if a person doesn't like the thread he can jsut ignore it, if you're replying to it, it means you have enough time to answer it properly instead of mocking the person or even more annoyigly posting stupid pictures.
\/ peace and love, we should all get along There's differences in the people but we should just accept each other for who we are... ^_^